April 07, 2014 | Vol. 20 No. 30



Service and Retirement Awards will be presented Thursday
Published: 4/22/2013

The 39th annual program to recognize TCU personnel for their service to the University will be at 3 p.m. Thursday, April 25, in the Brown-Lupton University Union Ballroom. A reception will follow in Sections C & D of the ballroom. All faculty, staff and students are invited to attend the celebration.

Faculty and staff whose retirements have been announced (listed in order of years of service) include:

Federico Argueta Armenta (2005-2012), Grounds Maintenance; Linda Rider (2005-2012), Health Center; Tony Burgess (2005-2013), School of Geology, Energy & the Environment; Nancy Stockton (2001-2012), Greek Residential Life; Berta McLemore (2002-2013), W.L. Adams Center for Writing; Johnnie Butler (2000-2013), Office of Admission; Gladys J. Cleaver (2000-2013), Mailing Services; Vicky Guess (1998-2012), Student Development Services; Glen Bradford (1997-2012), Printing & Copying Services; Judson Gantz (1997-2012), Building & Equipment Maintenance; Dave Kuhne (1996-2012), W.L. Adams Center for Writing; Robert W. Boatler (1997-2013), Finance; Will Powers (1996-2012), Communication Studies; Pat Brandt (1993-2012), Communication Sciences & Disorders.

Also Nancy J. Gorsuch (1992-2012), Brite Divinity School; Bryan Feille (1991-2013), Brite Divinity School; Elena Garcia (1991-2012), Institute of Behavioral Research; Barbara Williams (1991-2013), Office of Admission; Yumiko Keitges (1991-2013), Modern Language Studies; Vinita Dobson (1989-2012), Mary Couts Burnett Library;
Kaye Derrick (1987-2013), Scholarships & Financial Aid; Gerald L. Gabel (1987-2013), School of Music; Judith G. Groulx (1987-2013), College of Education; Linda K. Smith (1987-2013), MBA Academic Activities; Sondra Harris (1985-2013), Alumni Relations; Toni A. Craven (1980-2012), Brite Divinity School; James E. Keen (1979-2012), Building & Equipment Maintenance; Jean Giles-Sims (1979-2013), Sociology & Anthropology; Terry Dielman (1978-2013), Information Systems & Supply Chain Management; Charles Salter (1977-2013), Mechanical & Electrical Maintenance; James C. Woodson (1974-2013), School of Art and Larry D. Lauer (1966-2013), Vice Chancellor for Government Affairs.

Leo Newland, School of Geology, Energy & the Environment

Wayne J. Barcellona, Biology

Don Coerver, History & Geography

John Giordano, School of Music

T. Ross Bailey, Athletics

Carolyn Spence Cagle, Harris College of Nursing

Terry Dielman, Information Systems & Supply Chain Management

Sharon L. Fairchild, Modern Language Studies

Kay Higgins, Student Development Services

Peg Meroney, Financial Services

Ken M. Morgan, School of Geology, Energy & the Environment

Bob Neilson, Chemistry

Charles Salter, Mechanical & Electrical Maintenance

Tamás Ungár, School of Music

Loyace Walker, Registrar’s Office

Dale Young, College of Education

LaVonne Anderson, Telephone Office

Peng Fan, Mathematics

Ervey Garcia, TCU Police

Mary Anne Gorman, Nutritional Sciences

David J. Gouwens, Brite Divinity School

Dorothy D. Holland, Facility Services

Sharon Hudson, Harris College of Nursing & Health Sciences

Michael Katovich, Sociology & Anthropology

Delories McGhee, Mary Couts Burnett Library

Susan Moore
, Harris College of Nursing & Health Sciences

Ron Sims, Mechanical & Electrical Maintenance

Luther Smith, School of Art

Kenneth Stevens, History & Geography

Louise Van Tilburg, Mary Couts Burnett Library

Richard Yantis, Enterprise Application Service

Becky Beckham, Registrar’s Office

Babette Bohn, School of Art

Kerry Bouchard, Mary Couts Burnett Library

Karen Bowerman, IT Support

Judy Castillo, Mary Couts Burnett Library

Loreen Christ, School of Music

Peggy Conway, MBA Admissions

Kaye Derrick, Scholarships & Financial Aid

Bob Greer, Management, Entrepreneurship & Leadership

Richard Hanson, School of Geology, Energy & the Environment

Susan Harrington, School of Art

Larry Kitchens, Center for Instructional Services

Jake Martinez, Grounds Maintenance

Valeria McDougle, Facility Services

Joel B. Mitchell, Kinesiology

Shelia Darlene Montgomery, Financial Services

Esther Ochoa, Harris College of Nursing

Donnell Payne, Computer Science

Stephanie Polly, Infrastructure Services

Ranga Ramasesh, Information Systems & Supply Chain Management

Hortencia Rivera, Residential Housekeeping

Mike Scott, Scholarships & Financial Aid

Shannon Shipp, Marketing

Linda K. Smith, MBA Academic Activities

Karen Weber, Mary Couts Burnett Library

Richard J. Allen, Film, TV & Digital Media

Karen M. Baker, Office of the Chancellor

Alan Crume, IT Support

Theodore Echols, Mechanical & Electrical Maintenance

Kay Edmondson, Mary Couts Burnett Library

Carolina Enriquez, Facility Services

Reinaldo Garcia, Facility Services

James Griffin, Building & Equipment Maintenance

Paul A. Hood, Physical Plant

Jacobo Juarez, Grounds Maintenance

Danica Kalling Knight, Institute of Behavioral Research

Vicki Lawson, TCU Police

Teresa Little, Office of Admission

Cindy McPherson, Enterprise Application Services

Hollis Mitchell, Technical Services

Janet Whitcomb Pummill, School of Music

Ken Richardson, Mathematics

Barbara Self, Scholarships & Financial Aid

Dan Sharp, Football

Charles Yarbrough, Grounds Maintenance


Jolene Alonso, Scholarships & Financial Aid

Melissa Austin-Weeks, Alumni Relations

Nancy Bartosek, Editorial Services

Lilia Becerra, Facility Services

Teresa Berry, Engineering

Bonnie Blackwell, English

Glen Bradford, Printing & Copying Services

Garry D. Bruton, Management, Entrepreneurship & Leadership

Terri Cain, Athletics

Sandy Callaghan, Accounting

Terri Chanlatte, Mary Couts Burnett Library

Pamela Christian, TCU Police

Sharon Contreras, MBA Admissions

Terri Gartner, Office of Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Margarita Garza, Student Support

Jeff Geider, Ranch Management

Julie Graver, TCU Police

Tracy Hanna, Chemistry

Diane Ackall Hawley, Harris College of Nursing

Blake E. Hestir, Philosophy

John Householder, Office of Admission

David R. Hoyler, Physical Plant

Margaret Kelly, Community Projects

Todd Kerstetter, History & Geography

Dorenda Kesler, College of Communication

Linda Lee, Mary Couts Burnett Library

Aracely Lopez, Facility Services

Maria Lopez, Facility Services

Nancy Maples Madsen, Donor Relations

Karen R. Martin, Spanish & Hispanic Studies

Isabel Martinez, Facility Services

Darren J.N. Middleton, Religion

Chuck Miller, Neeley Technology

Jean-Luc Montchamp, Chemistry

Stephen Mooney, Student Support

Hoai P. Nguyen, MBA Admissions

Diane Norton, Counseling Center

Sue Ott, School of Music

Joan Owens, Men’s Basketball

Gary Patterson, Football

Igor Prokhorenkov, Mathematics

Derek Reese, TCU Police

Felipe Robledo, Building & Equipment Maintenance

Hector Rodriguez, Grounds Maintenance

Vicente Saenz, Mechanical & Electrical Maintenance

Claire A. Sanders, History & Geography

Michael Slattery, School of Geology, Energy & the Environment

LaJean Sturman, Starpoint School

Elizabeth R. Taylor, College of Education

Linda H. Taylor, College of Science & Engineering

Angela L. Thompson, Sociology & Anthropology

Jo Nell Wells, Harris College of Nursing

Deidre Williams, Neeley Professional Development Center

Newell Williams, Brite Divinity School

Sallie Wilmoth, Mary Couts Burnett Library


Bob Akin, Jr., Marketing

Michele Alford, Theatre

Alvin Allcon, TCU Police

Elodia Avelar, Facility Services

Susan L. Bingham, IT Systems

David Borelli, Women’s Tennis

Tyson R. Browning, Information Systems & Supply Chain Management

Douglas Butler, Economics

Gregg Cantrell, History & Geography

Cheryl Carithers, W.L. Adams Center for Writing

Leah Belotti Carnahan, Greek Residential Life

Christie Carpenter, Campus Recreation

Benjamin Casarez, Grounds Maintenance

Jesús Castro-Balbi, School of Music

Dennis J. Cheek, Harris College of Nursing

Victoria K. Chen, Scholarships & Financial Aid

Connie Clark, Marketing

Maria Cruces, Facility Services

John P. Davis, Facility Services

Sandra Dennis, Physics & Astronomy

David E. Dowell, Grounds Maintenance

Abraham Duran, Building & Equipment Maintenance

Jennifer Engler, Theatre

Leonie Fenelon, Facility Services

Jeff Ferrell, Sociology & Anthropology

Sean Gillaspy, IT Systems

Timothy Gollaher, School of Nurse Anesthesia

Anselmo Gonzalez, Residential Housekeeping

Julie Gray, Institute of Behavioral Research

Gale Hague, Military Science

Kristi D. Harrison, Registrar’s Office

Jill Havens, English

Jose Henriquez, Facility Services

Gina Jarman Hill, Nutritional Sciences

Debbie Keese, Physical Plant

Carrie S. Kemmer, Information Systems & Supply Chain Management

Sheri Kline, Financial Services

Hillary H. Lemon, Post Office

Matt Lewis, Athletics

Irma Lomas, Residential Housekeeping

Brad E. Lucas, English

Joe Ann May, Financial Services

Mike Misamore, Biology

Luz Ortiz, Residential Housekeeping

Harry Parker, Theatre

Susan Elizabeth Ramirez, History & Geography

Robin Richey, Advancement Research

Bunny S. Ridgeway, Tandy Executive Development Program

Marisol Rivera, Residential Housekeeping

Curt Rode, English

Mark Sample, IT Support

Kay K. Sanders, School of Nurse Anesthesia

Adam Schiffer, Political Science

Sam Schlup, Mechanical & Electrical Maintenance

Debbie Schmidt, Harris College of Nursing

Cameron Schoepp, School of Art

Rick Sellers, Mechanical & Electrical Maintenance

Robyn Shepheard, AED National Office

Janice Shields, Health Center

Ira Silver, Finance

Steven P. Sloan, Spanish & Hispanic Studies

Tracy Thompson, Human Resources

Gail Tubbs, Computer Science

Elaine Tubre, Website & Social Media Management

Ramon Vega, Grounds Maintenance

Walter Wallace, Information Technology

Catherine Wehlburg, Assessment/Quality Enhancement

Dan Williams, English/TCU Press

David Wright, Mechanical & Electrical Maintenance

David Aftandilian, Sociology & Anthropology

F. Komla Aggor, Spanish & Hispanic Studies

Andrew Anderson, Athletic Media Relations

Ronald Anderson, School of Nurse Anesthesia

Candace Appleton-Kuntz, Office of Admission

Alberto Argueta, Grounds Maintenance

Michael Bachmann, Criminal Justice

Stephanie Bailey, Interior Design & Merchandising

Ariane Balizet, English

Sandra Barr, Harris College of Nursing & Health Sciences

Maria Barrios, Facility Services

Jonathan Bartee, Human Resources

Christina Bedolla, Facility Services

Karen Bell, Campus Life

Paul Bibbins, Network Services

Karen Bisnette, Neeley School of Business

Greg Blackwell, Athletic Giving

Lindy Bledsue, Psychology

Jeffrey Bond, Mary Couts Burnett Library

Henry Bosquez, Jr., Facility Services

Tonie Broussard, Luther King Capital Management Center for Financial Studies

Drew Brown, Mechanical & Electrical Maintenance

Laurie Burton, Harris College of Nursing

Brandi Carroll, Printing & Copying Services

Dustin Carroll, Engineering

Joey Carter, School of Music

Michael Chumley, Biology

Brian Clinnin, Theatre

Alisa Cody, Financial Services

David Colón, English

Brent Cooper, Psychology

David Cooper, Housing & Residence Life

David Coriano, TCU Police

Lauren Crawford, Athletic Training

Haydee Cruz, Facility Services

Juventino Cruz, Facility Services

J. Cruz-Hurtado, Grounds Maintenance

Jessica Cung, Athletic Giving

Cassie Cure, Neeley Student Success Service

Linda Dabney, Brite Divinity School

Zachariah Dechant, Athletics

David Dibble, College & Regional Development

Amber Esping, College of Education

David Ferrell, Donor Relations

Jake Fincher, Residential Housekeeping

Deuntae Finklea, Facility Services

Christopher Fiocchi, Campus Recreation

Chrysteen Gabbert, University Career Services

Hilario Garcia, Facility Services

Isela Garcia, Office of the Chancellor

Mariza Garcia, Facility Services

Keith Garrison, Office of the Chief Investment Officer

Coleman Gee, IT Support

Magdalena Gloria, Facility Services

Ammie Harrison, Mary Couts Burnett Library

Michael Heil, Theatre

Monica Hernandez, Residential Housekeeping

Sarah Hill, Psychology

Debbie Holt, Human Resources

Matthew Hoover, Athletic Media Relations

Kathryn Hopper, Editorial Services

Rachel Hopper, Housing & Residence Life

Tracy Hull, Mary Couts Burnett Library

Keegan Ingelido, Women’s Swimming

Kenneth Janak, Budget & Financial Planning

Regina Jayme, MBA Academic Activities

Tricia Jenkins, Film, TV & Digital Media

Clay Jennings, Football

Kimberly Johnson, Athletics

Stephanie Key, Athletics

Page Kimbrell, Chemistry

Petite Kirkendoll, Brite Divinity School

Kristi Kolpanen, Advancement Operations

Alex Lemon, English

Robert Leone, Marketing

Jared Lindsay, Grounds Maintenance

Linda Lopez, College & Regional Development

Yuan Lu, School of Music

Catherine (Nina) Martin, School for Classical & Contemporary Dance

Maria E. Martinez, Facility Services

Carla Mass, Office of Admission

Monte D. McCullers, Grounds Maintenance

Ann McDonald, Neeley Entrepreneurship Center

Ryan McFarland, Ed Landreth Auditorium

Mark McGlathery, Building & Equipment Maintenance

Susi Medina, Facility Services

Kerri Menchaca, Mary Couts Burnett Library

Timothy Meyers, Building & Equipment Maintenance

Sheri Milhollin, Student Affairs Information Services

Cynthia Montes, Student Support

Douglas Moss, TCU Police

Johnny Nhan, Criminal Justice

Laura Oliver, Residential Housekeeping

Sherry Oliver, Starpoint School

Alexis Olympia, Office of Admission

Fernando Peralta, Facility Services

Denise Phillips, Financial Services

Beth Philp, Philosophy

Raul Prezas, Communication Sciences & Disorders

Patricia Pulido, Residential Housekeeping

Alexandria Ramirez, Scholarships & Financial Aid

Amparo Ramirez, Facility Services

Shweta Reddy Linga, Interior Design & Merchandising

Abel Andrew Reyes, Jr., Mechanical & Electrical Maintenance

Julie Reynolds, University Career Services

Patricia Rodriguez, Facility Services

Natalia Rosales-Argueta, Residential Housekeeping

Michael Sawey, Biology

F. Andrew Schoolmaster, AddRan College of Liberal Arts

Armando Segovia, Residential Housekeeping

Gayla Shannon, Interior Design & Merchandising

Carrie Shipp, Residential Housekeeping

Lindsay Shoulders, Spirit Coordinator

Francisco G. Soto, Grounds Maintenance

Jeffrey Stanley, Enterprise Application Service

Daxton “Chip” Stewart, Schieffer School of Journalism

Michael Strausz, Political Science

Carla Sublett, Financial Analysis & Property Management

Lori Sutherland, Women’s Golf

Amanda Taylor, Residential Housekeeping

Daniel Terry, Student Development Services

Jeffrey Thompson, IT Support

Kelle Tillman, Health Center

Jane Torgerson, Health Center

Samuel Villarreal, Facility Services

Sandra Waters, Modern Language Studies

Christopher Watts, Communication Sciences & Disorders

Diana Wingard, Mailing Services

Eric Wood, Counseling Center

Shawn Worthen, Athletic Academic Service Center

Qiao Zhang, Mathematics
