April 07, 2014 | Vol. 20 No. 30



TCU ALERT test set for Oct. 19
Published: 10/4/2010


TCU will test TCU ALERT at approximately 2 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 19. A test message will be sent via text message, campuswide e-mail and voice message to pre-identified University business lines. Please note: Campus members who have registered their cell phone numbers in the service will receive the test message from 89361.


All campus members, regardless of cell phone registration, will receive the test-email from TCU ALERT@tcu.edu. Please make sure to reply to either the text or e-mail message, as requested.


TCU will also test an emergency web page on Oct. 19. This is the page that will be used in case of an emergency on campus.


If you have not yet added your cell phone number, visit http://www.newsevents.tcu.edu/936.asp and follow the instructions to add your cell number. Remember in an emergency, TCU will use the following methods to communicate with campus.


TCU home page (a special "light page" will be substituted for the standard home page in the event of a campus emergency).
Recorded information line


Additionally, TCU has a Twitter page (www.twitter.com/tcu) and a Facebook page (www.facebook.com/TCUTexasChristian University). News and event information about TCU are posted on a regular basis to both sites.
