April 07, 2014 | Vol. 20 No. 30



Schieffer Symposium onstage at Landreth this Wednesday
Published: 2/11/2013


CBS newsman and anchor Bob Schieffer

The TCU Schieffer School of Journalism will host the Ninth Annual Schieffer Symposium on the News at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday in Ed Landreth Auditorium. Bob Schieffer, moderator of CBS’ Face the Nation, CBS News’ chief Washington correspondent and TCU alumnus, will again host this year's Symposium.


Tickets are $20 and are on sale at Schieffer School. TCU students must RSVP to Student Tickets and are admitted free with valid ID. For more information, call ext. 7808.


Panelists include Fred Barnes, executive editor of The Weekly Standard and a leading conservative voice and a contributor to FOX News; Charlie Rose, co-host of CBS This Morning and Person to Person and the host of Charlie Rose, a nightly PBS program; Clarissa Ward, CBS News foreign correspondent; and Nancy Youssef, Middle East Bureau Chief covering the Middle East and the Islamic world for McClatchy Newspapers.


“We're fortunate this year to have not only two of the best young foreign correspondents who have seen the Syrian civil war, Afghanistan and the Arab Spring up close but also, in Charlie and Fred, two veterans to help put it in perspective,” Schieffer said.


Bob Schieffer is broadcast journalism's most experienced Washington reporter. This year he will be inducted into the TV Hall of Fame and will receive the National Association of Broadcasters Distinguished Service Award. Schieffer is the moderator of Face The Nation, the Sunday public affairs broadcast on CBS News, and the network's chief Washington correspondent. In addition, Schieffer served as interim anchor for The CBS Evening News from March 2005 to August 2006. Schieffer has covered Washington for CBS News for more than 30 years and is one of a few broadcast or print journalists to have covered all four major beats in the nation's capital – the White House, the Pentagon, the State Department and Capitol Hill. He has been chief Washington correspondent since 1982 and congressional correspondent since 1989 and has covered every presidential campaign and been a floor reporter at all the Democratic and Republican National Conventions since 1972. He began anchoring Face The Nation in May 1991.
