Tenure, faculty promotions announced at trustees' meeting

During their Spring meeting last week, TCU Trustees voted on tenure, promotions and granting emeritus status to faculty members.


Faculty granted tenure are Elizabeth Hill Flowers, David P. Moessner and Janet Elizabeth Spittler (Religion), Alan Adam Gallay (History), John R. Harris Jr. (Philosophy), Michael Scott Cole (Management), Amber Nicole Finn,  Johny Garner and Andrew Michael Ledbetter (Communication Studies), Wendy Ann Martin Macias (Journalism), Marla Weatherl McGhee (Education), Martin Blessinger (Music) and Martha Suki John (Dance). Also Melody Dawn Phillips (Kinesiology), Matthew M. Chumchal, Amanda M. Hale and Dean Alan Williams (Biology), Brenton Grant Cooper and Sarah E. Hill (Psychology) and Youngha Ryu (Chemistry).

Faculty promoted to the rank of professor are Theresa Marie Strouth Gaul and Ann L. George (English), Joanne Marie Green (Political Science), Marjorie Jan Lacina (Education), Jo Nell Wells (Nursing) and Scott R. Nollet (Mathematics).

Those promoted to the rank of associate professor are Elizabeth Hill Flowers and Janet Elizabeth Spittler (Religion), John R. Harris Jr. (Philosophy), Michael Scott Cole (Management), Amber Nicole Finn, Johny Garner and Andrew Michael Ledbetter (Communication Studies), Wendy Ann Martin Macias (Journalism), Martin Blessinger (Music) and Martha Suki John (Dance).


Also Melody Dawn Phillips (Kinesiology), Matthew M. Chumchal, Amanda M. Hale and Dean Alan Williams (Biology), Brenton Grant Cooper and Sarah E. Hill (Psychology) and Youngha Ryu (Chemistry).


Jodie Lynn Weatherly (Nursing) was promoted to the rank of Assistant Professor of Professional Practice.


Promoted to the rank of Instructor II are Marie Madeleine Schein (Modern Languages), Julienne Ballantyne (Interior Design and Merchandising), M. Kathleen Coleman, Allison C. Owen, Kristi Eggleston Rittby and Kenneth R. Stevenson (Mathematics), Rebecca Herrick Dority (Nutritional Sciences), Douglas R. Ingram (Physics and Astronomy) and Gail I. Jones (Biology).


The following faculty were recommended to emeritus status, effective upon retirement: Jean Giles-Sims (Sociology), Linda D. Guy (Art), Larry D. Lauer (Vice Chancellor for Government Affairs), Kathryne S. McDorman (History) and William G. Powers (Communication Studies).

