Calling all TCU employees, Opening Luncheon is Friday!

Join with the TCU community Friday for the annual Opening Luncheon in Daniel-Meyer Coliseum, hosted by Chancellor Victor J. Boschini Jr. The traditional “wear purple event” brings together all faculty and staff to celebrate the beginning of a new academic year.

Shuttle service to and from the Coliseum will be provided for the east side of campus. Buses will start running at 11:15 a.m. from the library parking lot and will continue throughout and immediately following the luncheon. The standard shuttle service from the visitor's lot on Bellaire will also be available.

Buffet lines open at 11:30 a.m. in the lower concourse entrance area. The seated luncheon will be at tables on the Coliseum floor. Everyone is asked to enter the building through the lower level northeast concourse doors on the stadium side.

Rev. Angela Kaufman, minister to the University, will deliver the invocation. Chancellor Boschini will introduce Chair of the Faculty Senate Chris Sawyer (Communications Studies), Chair of the Staff Assembly Aisha Torrey-Sawyer (Neeley School) and President of the Student Government Association Cody Westphal.

Dr. Boschini also will present the Chancellor's Staff Award for Outstanding Service to one of the seven nominees chosen from each division of the University. They are: Gerald Katchinska (Chemistry) representing Academic Affairs; Matthew Hoover (Athletics Media Relations) representing Athletics; Tommy Potter (Brite Development) representing Brite Divinity School; Harold Leeman (Physical Plant) representing Finance & Administration; Victor Neil (Website & Social Media Management) representing Marketing & Communication; Rosangela Boyd (Community Involvement and Service Learning) representing Student Affairs and Janine Kraus (Annual Giving) representing University Advancement.
