Harris College Research Symposium set for Dec. 1

Harris College of Nursing & Health Sciences will hold its third Faculty Research Symposium on Tuesday, Dec.1, 4-5:30 p.m. in rm. 139 of Tucker Technology Center.



Refreshments will be served. There have been three research symposiums in the fall and three more will be held in the spring. Each will highlight two faculty members who are working on grants, manuscripts, or books.



Presenters next week are: Dr. Gloria Solomon (Kinesiology): “Expectancy Effects in Competitive Sports” and Dr. Chris Watts (Communication Sciences and Disorders): “Vocal Fold Elastic Fibers in a Mouse Model.”



“These activities have been highlighting many of our outstanding researchers,” said Dr. Debbie Rhea, symposium coordinator and Harris College’s Associate Dean for Research. “We have so much going on in our college and very few individuals in each of the departments have an idea what other colleagues are doing.”



For more information, contact d.rhea@tcu.edu or call ext. 6861.
