The Scholarship Initiative: Keeping TCU a choice that works

Up close and personal — real people, real stories



Melissa Lorber’s aspirations are high. She plans to teach at the high school and college levels, helping to fill the critical national shortage of science and math teachers. A mathematics major with a minor in education, Melissa is committed to becoming the kind of teacher she has found at TCU.



“The professors are all so passionate about their subjects and teach in a way that really inspires me to be the best student I can be,” she says. “These are the best teachers I've ever had, and I can't wait to impact my future students the way they have impacted me.”



Without six endowed scholarships and TCU and Horned Frog grants, a Texas Equalization Grant and middle-income support, Melissa wouldn’t be at this university.



Providing scholarships and financial aid for students like Melissa — students who can best reach their full potential here — is the University’s highest priority, and therefore the top priority of The Campaign for TCU.



The Scholarship Initiative, launched this academic year as part of the campaign, has raised more than $50 million of its $100 million goal.  You can find more stories about students who benefit from scholarships and financial aid and the donors who support them, as well as updates on the Scholarship Initiative at
