Sports psychologist on campus Thursday

Dr. Daniel Kirschenbaum, a clinical sports psychologist, will speak Thursday, March 11 from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. as Green Honors Chair for the Dept. of Kinesiology. His lecture, called “The Many Advantages of Treating Overweight Teens as Athletes, Not Addicts,” will be held at Brown-Lupton University Union. The event is free and open to the public.



Dr. Kirschenbaum has specialized in the study of obesity for 35 years. In 2004, he designed a program for Wellspring, a resident camp for obese adolescents. Gloria Solomon, associate professor in the TCU Dept. of Kinesiology and chair of the event, saw him speak at a conference last year and wanted him to come to TCU.



“He spoke passionately about his work with obese adolescents and the influence of biology, which is often neglected in the mainstream setting,” Dr. Solomon said. “The success of the Wellspring program is phenomenal, and I thought he would be a great candidate because of the relevance of his expertise to many departments within Harris College.”



Dr. Kirschenbaum, of Illinois, has published 10 books and over 100 journal articles on sport psychology, weight-loss and similar topics. He is the former president of the American Psychological Association’s exercise and sport psychology division and has been a consultant to the United States Olympic Committee. He has also served as director of the Eating Disorders Program at Northwestern University Medical School, where he currently teaches psychiatry and behavioral health sciences.



The Green Honors Chair program, established by the late Drs. Cecil H. and Ida Green of Dallas, brings a number of prominent scholars to the campus each year. For more information on this event, contact Dr. Solomon at ext. 6868 or
