Chancellor's Staff Award nominees announced

Division winners for the 2013 Chancellor’s Staff Award have been named. The overall winner will be announced by Chancellor Victor J. Boschini Jr. during the Opening Luncheon Friday, Aug. 16 in Daniel-Meyer Coliseum.

Nominees are: Gerald Katchinska (Chemistry) representing Academic Affairs; Matthew Hoover (Athletics Media Relations) representing Athletics; Tommy Potter (Brite Development) representing Brite Divinity School; Harold Leeman (Physical Plant) representing Finance & Administration; Victor Neil (Website & Social Media Management) representing Marketing & Communication; Rosangela Boyd (Community Involvement and Service Learning) representing Student Affairs; and Janine Kraus (Annual Giving) representing University Advancement.

Past winners are Sean Conner (Athletics), Shawn Wagner (Campus Life), Gary Patterson (Athletics), Susan Adams (Campus Life), José Carpinteyro (Athletics), Margaret Kelly (Marketing & Communication), Ray Brown (Admission), Charlotte Hudspeth (nominated by Finance & Administration), Gay Boydston (University Advancement), Becky Roach (Academic Affairs) and Rev. John Butler (Student Affairs).

