Moncrief, Pitcock were award winners at Fall Convocation

William C. Moncrief was named recipient of the 2010 Chancellor's Award for Distinguished Achievement as a Creative Teacher and Scholar during Fall Convocation last week in Ed Landreth Auditorium.  Ron Pitcock, J. Vaughn and Evelyne H. Wilson Fellow in Honors (John V. Roach Honors College) and Director of Prestigious Scholarships received the Wassenich Award for Mentoring in the TCU Community. Chancellor Victor J. Boschini Jr. made both award presentations.


A member of the Neeley School of Business faculty for 30 years, Bill Moncrief is Senior Associate Dean and the Charles F. and Alann P. Bedford Professor of International Business.  Bill is widely recognized for his teaching skills, administrative leadership, research and expertise in sales management and marketing. One of the individuals who submitted his nomination for this award noted: "For Bill, attention to facilitating student success trumps everything else and it is no surprise that his courses are among the most sought-after in the entire school. Student feedback about his impact over his career at TCU is among the most consistently positive — Bill clearly has made a strong positive difference in literally hundreds of students' lives!"


Recommendation letters for Ron seem to focus on a theme common to mentoring: accessibility, kindness, wisdom and the ability the both challenge and encourage simultaneously.  As a former student of his notes, "Dr. Pitcock goes beyond the mundane idea of lecturing. He surpasses the stereotypical concept of a professor. He aims for every one of his students to become better-educated scholars. He wants each of us to leave TCU with the highest honors and amibition to succeed in prosperous future endeavors.  More than this. he wants us to leave knowing we will always have someone to return to."

