Colby Halloween event will be Oct. 26

For the 38th consecutive year, Colby Hall will host a safe, secure Halloween party from 6 – 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 26, for children and grandchildren of faculty and staff. The event is open to children 9 and under, accompanied by an adult.


The invitation will be e-mailed for you to print out and bring for admission to the event. When you arrive next Tuesday, please sign in at the table in front of Colby and present your invitation. You will need to adhere to the timetable printed on the invitation since children will not be able to enter Colby Hall until their scheduled time.


It is traditional for Colby residents to go all out, both in decorating the hall for Halloween and dressing up to the youngsters as they go door-to-door trick-or-treating. There will be snacks and drinks, a haunted house and other fun activities.


For more information, call the Colby office at ext. 7881.
