Nursing lecture March 2 on changing landscape of healthcare

The W.F. “TEX” and Pauline Rankin Lectureship in Nursing is slated for Wednesday, March 2 from 4-5:30 p.m. at the Kelly Center.  Topic will be “Proactive Approaches to the Changing Landscape of Healthcare.”

Guest speaker will be Dr. Ronda Hughes, a national healthcare consultant working with financially troubled hospitals, addressing staffing concerns and avoidable re-admissions. She was formerly the Howe Endowed Chair for Healthcare Transformation at the University of Wisconsin/Milwaukee and the Center Director for Health Care Transformation at the Aurora Health Care System.

She writes regularly on patient safety and quality improvement. She was the editor and major contributor of the joint AHRQ and RWJF book, Patient Safety & Quality: an Evidence-based Handbook for Nurses, which is targeted to nurses across settings and is being utilized by schools of nursing and hospitals nationally and internationally.

For more information, contact Danielle Walker at
