Campus photos now available online to faculty and staff

Looking for a TCU image to use in a flyer, a mailing, a PowerPoint presentation? Those needs crop up every once in a while and now there’s an online source for your department to utilize.


The Division of Marketing & Communication has created a library of professional photos of iconic campus images … from buildings to sports events, classroom scenes to aerial views. You can access them at


They were selected to represent the TCU brand — strong academics; a beautiful, friendly campus; a global perspective; a strong liberal arts tradition of intellectual curiosity and creative thinking, top-tier athletic competitions. To find historic images, go to the Digital Archives in the Mary Couts Burnett Library.


The photos in this library are to be used only to promote TCU activities, events, academics or programs. The images are not to be used for projects not related to TCU and should not be shared outside the TCU-campus community.


If you have questions or cannot find what you need, email M&C archivist Marcia Melton at  These galleries will be updated quarterly. Last updated: November 9, 2011.
