Nominate a library staffer for recognition

Friends of the TCU Library wish to honor a member of the TCU Library staff with a certificate of merit and a monetary award. Here’s your chance to thank a library staff member who has been especially helpful to you or to honor someone who has distinguished himself/herself as an outstanding library employee.


All you need to do is download this Staff Award Recommendation Form (, fill it out with the name of the library staff member you are recommending along with an explanation of why he or she deserves it, and submit it to Ms. Ammie Harrison, Arts and Humanities Librarian, MCB Library, TCU Box 298400.


The award will be based on recommendations made by library users and staff. The selection committee includes the June Koelker, dean of the Library, librarian Ammie Harrison who was last year's award winner and Bonnie Frederick, chair of the Faculty Library Committee. If you have questions about the award or the nomination process, please contact Dr. Koelker at .

You can also find this information on the Library’s website,
