Wellness Program looking for volunteers from campus

During the summer a wellness survey was distributed to TCU faculty and staff to gather feedback for the new TCU wellness program “Taking Care of U.”  One of the comments noted that faculty and staff want to be reminded more than just once about events and challenges for the month.


Research was conducted on this issue and determined that many successful wellness programs include a group of representatives from each area who will take responsibility for promoting monthly events and challenges. The Wellness Committee has decided to incorporate this approach into the program.


The Wellness Committee invites you to help promote “Taking Care of U” wellness programs and activities. We will be meeting periodically to distribute information about the program and plans for the future.  Those of you who choose to volunteer for this will become the wellness resource person for faculty and staff working in your area. If you are interested in joining our group please send an e-mail to tcuwellness.tcu.edu. We would enjoy having you join us.
