Change to vacation accrual policy for staff

A recent initiative by Staff Assembly has resulted in a change to the TCU Staff Vacation Accrual Policy. Effective June 1, 2012, all eligible exempt and non-exempt staff who work in a regular position 100% full-time will accrue vacation at the rate of 14.67 hours per month (22 days per year).


The Chancellor’s Cabinet voted to approve the amended policy after reviewing the research collected by the Policy and Advocacy Committee of Staff Assembly. The group included Charme Cone (Advancement) and  Cindy McPherson  (Enterprise Application Service), co-chairs, Betty Nance (Modern Language Studies), Clyde Ridge (Building & Equipment Maintenance), Ed Adcock (Mechanical & Electrical Maintenance), James Williams (School of Music), Jim Gribble (Library), Martha Barron (AddRan College), Mary Jane Allred (Nursing), Nancy Weiser (Athletic Academic Service Center), Walter Betts (Library) and Zoranna Jones (Nursing). Randy Chambers (Physical Plant) is outgoing president of TCU Staff Assembly.

After examining the vacation policies of more than 40 peer universities, the committee recommended that TCU’s current vacation policy be updated to establish parity among eligible exempt and nonexempt employees and better position the University among its peers.
